Friday, March 22, 2013

My babe's 16th BirthdayDinner 2013

A picture with her first <3 td="">
We celebrated Chia Ern's birthday dinner on last Sunday,17 of March,two days later after her actual birthday.

My favorite picture!

We went to The Apartment and ordered some set meal.The food there is average,but their portion is kind of big.

This is how my Chicken Mushroom Pasta looks like:-

OH!I also made some cupcakes for us!

Typical us,we took lots of pictures after we had our dinner,but the lighting in The Apartment is not that good D:


Me,Jocelyn and Chia Ern

A picture with Jocelyn :)

After that,we decided to eat some dessert in Theobroma Chocolate Lounge
We ordered some fondue and this is how it looks like:-

I like the swirl they made on the chocolate.It's super pretty!

 Anyway,when the fondue arrived.We sang birthday song for Chia Ern.It's super awkward because there's only a few costumer over there and there's only two of us singing.So,we awkwardly finished singing the birthday song and we let Chia Ern to eat the fondue first.When we start eating,we suddenly heard birthday song.

Then I was like:''Chia Ern!someone played birthday song for you! :D''
"Noo,how come?maybe someone is celebrating their birthday too!'' Chia Ern was looking out the window.
"Yes la,Chia Ern,they are playing it for you.Look behind you!They are looking over here to see your reaction!''Me pointing at those waiters.
"Huh?Serious ah?''Jocelyn was very shock too.
Then I said:''Yeah la!Look!They are looking at Chia Ern.So it's probably for you!''

We were laughing very loudly.Okayy,maybe they thought that it's very sad because there's only two person singing.So they decided to play it for us.THANK YOUU!

Oh!Im giving some suggestion,if you guys wanna eat some chocolate dessert,go Theobroma Chocolate Lounge.
Their dessert there is amazing!You should try that if you never eat it before :D

I think we ate too much in The Apartment and after eating this fondue,I think our stomach are going to burst!We even tweet each other to finish up the oranges(it's sour).HAHAHAHH.
Our retarded convo,we just love to be mean to each other :p

OKayy,people should accept the fact that we really can take alot pictures in one day.
Here!I will show you some of the pictures!

The birthday girl's ootd

This is one of my favourite too!

P/s:I didnt filter those pictures up there.That's why the pictures look blur.

We also asked the waiter help us to take some palaroid pictures,each of us took 3 and these are mine:-

My new collection of palaroid pictures!

We went back home around 10:30pm I think.We are super exhausted.These two girls are not going to school tomorrow but I'm going D: Actually,we planned to skip school on Monday,but I feel bad,so I went to school.So yeahh,can't blame them.

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