Friday, January 25, 2013

Back to blog.

Maybe some of you thought that this is a new blog.But urmmm,actually,I created this blog three years ago.I was form 1 back then.The blog posts were so childish and lame.When I read all those blog posts I posted,I think I'm going to faint.NO JOKE.Everything I wrote is so embarrassed.So I decided to DELETE EVERYTHING I POSTED.




So if anyone of you saw my previous blog design,posts,and so on,ermmm,can you forget everything I wrote?Pleaseeeeeee...

So you will forget about it rightt?YAY or NAY?

 Now,I will re-design my blog.But I need time.Form 4 life is so busy,it's impossible to sit in front of the computer for 24 hours.When I post this blog post,you can see that there's still some "scar" havent recover.I will try to design it as soon as possible :)

 Anyway,I hope I can insist on writing my blog.Please dont fail like last time.

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