Sunday, January 27, 2013

Saturday scribbles

I think I had spend my night designing my blog.I think it's better now compared to last time.I tweeted that I  had made a new blog,and Shu Meng was like "LINK!"  Then I said "NO!It's so uglyyyy!!" HAHAHAAHA.I will never let Shu Meng knows that I had a ugly blog.NEVERRRR.So in the furture, if Shu Meng is reading this blog post right now,I just wanna say :hey,I saved your eyes from getting swollen for reading this ugly blog,say thank you jie! C:

Anyway,my mom bought lots of CNY cookies today.I think my house now is full of cookies but I cant eat any of them :( My mom says we should wait until CNY  only we can open it D: so I think if I really want to eat any of them,I should sneak out from the bedroom at night,steal some cookies and eat it in the kitchen as fast as possible.But of course,I wont do it so obvious,I wont be stupid enough to eat the same jar of cookies,I would pick 7 jar of cookies that I like the most and label it will some sticky notes by writing Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat and Sun.That would avoid getting noticed by mommy and I can eat as much as I want.

Maybe you would be wondering,how my mom wont notice that the cookies are getting lesser and lesser,but what if I tell you that I will hide the seven jars BEHIND the jars that haven't open yet?As long as my mom thought that every jar is full of cookies,she wont check it one by one.So yeah,peace for me getting all the cookies eaten by myself ^^V

So Chia Ern and her sister,Melanie are in Thailand,Bangkok right now.I'm so jelly because THEY GET TO SKIP SCHOOL AND TUITION!and somemore,they get to SHOP WHOLE DAY!Just now,I asked mom if we can go shop later after dinner and my mom says no,as usual.But it's okay,my mom have been quite busy today.She needs to decorate our house,buy stuff for CNY and drive us to tuition,so she should probably get a rest now.Being a responsible and caring child,I should go study from now,bye.
Nah,just joking!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Back to blog.

Maybe some of you thought that this is a new blog.But urmmm,actually,I created this blog three years ago.I was form 1 back then.The blog posts were so childish and lame.When I read all those blog posts I posted,I think I'm going to faint.NO JOKE.Everything I wrote is so embarrassed.So I decided to DELETE EVERYTHING I POSTED.




So if anyone of you saw my previous blog design,posts,and so on,ermmm,can you forget everything I wrote?Pleaseeeeeee...

So you will forget about it rightt?YAY or NAY?

 Now,I will re-design my blog.But I need time.Form 4 life is so busy,it's impossible to sit in front of the computer for 24 hours.When I post this blog post,you can see that there's still some "scar" havent recover.I will try to design it as soon as possible :)

 Anyway,I hope I can insist on writing my blog.Please dont fail like last time.