Friday, February 08, 2013

CNY celebration in school and CUPCAKES

Hello!It's been two weeks I didnt update my blog.Oppssss!Now,I'm going to post about something happened yesterday and today ^^

Yesterday,my school had Chinese New Year celebration after recess.The celebration is the same every year.The principal and teachers will give some speech and then there will be performances.The performances are quite nice but mostly I'm not paying attention,I was camwhoring with my friends!!Let me show you the pictures we took :DD

I'm acting cute behind there P:

Camwhore with Su Jun and Justine

Picture with Su Jun and E-wei!

With Jocelyn

My ''post'' is so potong.HAHAHAH.

I also took some pictures with some awesome dancer.They danced 扇子舞.Do they call that as ''fan dance'' in English?I dont know P:


With Xiu Ning and photo-boomed ppl behind there.

With Rach Ong!Weee,I'm same height with her!Nah,I tip-toe :P

We also took group pictures!

Awkward peace sign I made :p

We are like promoting the pink plastic bag or something.Btw,me and E-wei baked macaroons in E'wei's house on Wednesday and we suceed at the very first time we bake it!IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!HAHAHAHA!We gave those macaroons to them next day,and that explains why everyone is holding the same plastic bag.LOL.

Best friends group picture!

Wei Lit came took picture with us last minute :p

That's all for yesterday,and now I'm going to talk about today.LOL.

I didnt go to school today like most of the people.I woke up at 10 something,and after I wash up,I BAKE!
This is the first time I bake RED VELVET CUPCAKES.Luckily it didn't fail and it's quite nice :3 (SELF PRAISE!:P) but the cake is quite ugly somehow,it's because I put too much filling (do we call that as filling?) in the cupcake paper some of it is quite pretty but some of it is like errrrrrr...

Cupcakes I made

My house now is overload with cupcakes.Cupcakes my friends gave it to me for early Valentines gift,cupcakes I bake....and I need to finish it in few days!!!So whenever there's a teacher come to my house for home tuition,I will give them the cupcakes :p

I think I will bake alot this few days.It's my new hobby now.HAHAHAHAH.Stay tuned for more cupcakes my friends and teachers,I will bake alot and you guys need to finish it! >)